This bouquet was created by our skilled florist Bára, hence the name Bára - Iris, holiday bouquet made of irises and delicate chamomile
This bouquet was created by our talented florist Bára, combining elegant irises with delicate chamomile and roses. Perfect as a name day gift or to brighten someone's day.
Iris, tanacetum (chamomile), freesia, roses, hypericum, salal.
Flower Quality:
A1 (top-quality flowers).
Additional Services:
Message and Flower Food FREE: Includes a personal message and flower food for longer freshness.
Free Delivery: Complimentary for orders over 1000 CZK.
Express Delivery flowers: Delivered in Prague within 120 minutes of ordering.
Affordable Delivery Slots: Choose from time slots (9-13, 13-17, 17-20).
Additional Gifts: Add chocolates, greeting cards, or fine wines to your order.
Customization: Create a bouquet tailored to your preferences.
Order the Bára Iris bouquet online or visit us at our flower shop in Prague 10. Delight your loved ones with the beauty and elegance of this bouquet!
Order flowers online or visit us at our flower shop in Prague 10
Platební metody