Roses and rose bouquets are among the most beautiful and refined flowers. We offer a wide range of roses in various colors and styles, including long-stemmed and spray roses. All our rose bouquets are carefully crafted from fresh, high-quality flowers sourced from top growers in Holland and Ecuador. We provide express rose delivery in Prague within 120 minutes, ensuring that every rose bouquet arrives on time and in perfect condition.
In our selection, you will find both individual roses and bouquets of 50 or 100 roses at special prices (e.g., “100 roses affordably”). Choose from our extensive range or send us a picture of your desired bouquet, and our florists will create a unique rose bouquet just for you. Whether you need 18 roses, 25 roses, or 30 roses for a birthday, we offer custom quantities with delivery to your loved one's home or workplace. Our rose bouquets are ideal gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, or simply to express love.
Additional Services and Delivery:
Bouquets of roses and roses prices according to the number of pieces. Team Kvě
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