A fresh and elegant white bouquet, which combines the highest quality roses, romantic eustoma and airy alstroemeria, will delight lovers of purity and perfection.
This fresh white bouquet combines the purity of Avalanche roses, the romantic touch of eustoma, and the airy charm of alstroemeria, making it a perfect gift for anyone who appreciates simplicity and sophistication. White flowers symbolize purity, perfection, and sincerity, making this bouquet an ideal choice for special moments.
Gift Set: The bouquet is accompanied by luxurious Leonidas chocolate pralines in a red heart-shaped tin (140 g) and a bottle of Bohemia Sekt Brut to elevate any celebration.
Order this exquisite bouquet online or visit our florist in Prague. Bring joy and elegance into the lives of your loved ones today!
Platební metody