Aristocratic bouquet of roses, eustoma and eryngium with Millesimato prosecco. A luxurious gift full of elegance, style and harmony. Birthday bouquet with prosecco.
This bouquet evokes a sense of luxury and aristocratic refinement. Full-bloom spray roses are complemented by romantic eustoma, unique eryngium, and limonium, creating a truly unique harmony. The perfection of this bouquet is accentuated by a bottle of Millesimato Prosecco DOC Brut Bronze, adding style and elegance. With this gift, you simply can’t go wrong.
Bouquet composition:
Spray rose, eustoma, eryngium, limonium, greenery, Millesimato Prosecco DOC Brut Bronze
Flower quality:
A1 (highest quality), diameter 30–40 cm
Additional services:
Order online or visit our flower shop in Prague.
Wine and spirits are sold only to persons aged 18 and over.
Platební metody