Autumn Romance bouquet with brassica, chrysanthemums, and eustoma in fall tones. An elegant mix of colors to bring magic to your interior.
This autumn bouquet is truly magical. It features a stunning blend of colors, from pink-purple and burgundy to royal blue and grayish-blue, beautifully accented by silvery foliage. The unique arrangement combines modern Brassica, large chrysanthemums, small santini blooms, airy eustoma, fresh eryngium thistles, and autumn leaves with greenery. A one-of-a-kind floral arrangement that will delight anyone.
Bouquet composition: Brassica, eryngium, chrysanthemum, santini, eustoma, autumn leaves, and seasonal decorations
Flower quality: A1 (highest quality flowers)
Additional services:
Order the Autumn Romance bouquet online or visit our flower shop in Prague. This elegant bouquet will bring the magic of autumn into any interior.
Platební metody