Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) is a plant from the poppy family, commonly grown in the Czech Republic for food-grade poppy seeds. Unripe seed pods contain alkaloids, a source of opium, leading to cultivation restrictions in some countries. The Czech Republic is the world’s leading legal producer. Ornamental poppy heads feature in seasonal bouquets like Green Day, Maková Panenka, and Autumn Poppy Bouquet.
Ecology and role in nature: Poppies provide nectar for pollinators.
Use in floristry: Ornamental poppy heads add texture and originality to bouquets.
Poppy seed (Papaver somniferum) for edible poppies and decorative poppies. You can find it in seasonal bouquets: Green Day, Poppy doll, Autumn poppies.