Pink Ranunculus, a tender composition of a spring bouquet dominated by Ranunculus or buttercup and tulips. Bouquet of pastel colors of flowers
The Pink Ranunculus bouquet is the perfect choice for those who adore the gentle beauty of spring flowers. Dominated by ranunculus, also known as buttercup, paired with tulips, this harmonious and tender arrangement is complemented by carnations, limonium, and greenery. Its pastel tones of pink and white add elegance and freshness, making it suitable for any occasion – from birthdays to name days or just as a heartfelt gesture. This bouquet brightens any interior and brings joy to its recipient.
Bouquet composition:
Ranunculus (buttercup), carnation, tulip, limonium, eryngium, greenery.
Additional services:
Order the Pink Ranunculus bouquet online or visit our flower shop in Prague. This bouquet, with its gentle charm, will bring joy to anyone who receives it!
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