Passionate Tulip bouquet of red tulips, spray roses, eryngium, santini, and greenery, perfect for expressing love and passion.
The “Passionate Tulip” bouquet features a stunning combination of red tulips and red spray roses, enhanced with bold eryngium, santini, and fresh greenery. This floral arrangement perfectly expresses passionate love and is an ideal gift for celebrating romantic moments, anniversaries, or as a declaration of affection. The vibrant red tones symbolize love, energy, and devotion.
Bouquet Composition:
Tulip, spray rose, eryngium, santini, greenery.
Flower Quality:
A1 (highest quality flowers), ensuring freshness and longevity.
Additional Services:
Order Now:
Order the “Passionate Tulip” bouquet online or visit our flower shop in Prague. Surprise your loved ones with this passionate and elegant floral arrangement!
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