Bouquet Bára Delfinium – Blue delphinium and Memory roses in soft tones with chrysanthemum, limonium, and greenery. Perfect for elegant occasions.
Bouquet Description:
The Bára Delfinium bouquet is a unique creation by our florist Bára, designed to captivate with its sophistication and delicacy. The centerpiece of this arrangement is the stunning blue delphinium, whose enchanting color gives the bouquet an unmistakable charm. Complemented by the soft pink Memory roses, single-bloom chrysanthemums, elegant limonium, and fresh green eucalyptus and salal leaves, this bouquet is perfect for any occasion. Be it birthdays, celebrations, or moments when you wish to bring joy to your loved ones or express gratitude, this bouquet makes a perfect choice.
Blue delphinium, single-bloom chrysanthemum, limonium, Memory roses, eucalyptus, salal.
Flower Quality:
A1 (highest flower quality).
Additional Services:
Order the Bára Delfinium bouquet online or visit us at our flower shop in Prague. This unique bouquet brings elegance and joy to any moment. Surprise your loved ones or treat yourself!
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