Bára Lily bouquet, a tender bouquet of Lilies and roses in light colors from our florist Bára, a birthday bouquet or a bouquet for a holiday.
This tender bouquet, created by florist Bára, combines the beauty of lilies and roses in soft colors. It is an ideal gift for birthdays, name days, or simply to bring joy. The harmonious combination of flowers in this bouquet exudes elegance and freshness, making it perfect for any occasion.
Bouquet Composition:
Lilies, roses, santina, solidago, spray roses, eustoma, hypericum, molucella, pistachio.
Flower Quality:
A1 (highest quality flowers).
Additional Services:
Order the Bára Lilie bouquet online or visit us at our flower shop in Prague. Surprise your loved ones with the gentle beauty and elegance of this unique bouquet!
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