Blue and white bouquet dominated by Delphinium and Ornitogalum, the bouquet is tied in height relative to the flower arrangement, a birthday bouquet.
This bouquet is dominated by deep blue delphinium flowers and white clusters of ornithogalum. Fresh and cheerful irises add a vibrant blue-yellow accent, perfectly contrasting with the round white chrysanthemum. A veil of tiny gypsophila flowers softens the arrangement, while lush greenery completes this stunning combination. An ideal choice for a joyful day or a special occasion.
Bouquet Composition:
Delphinium, iris, chrysanthemum, snapdragon, gypsophila, greenery.
Flower Quality:
A1 (top quality flowers), height 60 cm, diameter 30 cm.
Additional Services:
Order the blue-white bouquet online or visit us at our flower shop in Prague. Bring beauty and joy to yourself and your loved ones!
Platební metody