Pink Lilies Bouquet with delicate freesias, santini, limonium, and greenery. Luxurious elegance and enchanting fragrance for any occasion.
This bouquet blends romance and elegance harmoniously. The centerpiece is sweet pink royal lilies, captivating with their size and fragrance. Delicate freesias add lightness and charm, while fresh green santini "pom-poms" bring a playful accent. Limonium and lush greenery complete the composition, making it a perfect choice for those seeking a romantic and elegant gift.
Bouquet composition:
Royal lilies, santini, freesias, limonium, greenery
Flower quality:
A1 (premium quality), pink lilies, height 40 cm, diameter 30 cm
Additional services:
Order the Pink Lilies Bouquet online or visit us at our flower shop in Prague. This bouquet brings luxury and joy to any recipient.
Platební metody